Thursday, February 6, 2014

It's been too long - Here's an update!

I'm back!! :) 

Hey everyone! It has been way too long since I have been on here. I want to take a little time to fill you in on what’s been happening in my fitness journey.

I am 8 weeks out from my first NPC bikini competition. Scary!! I swear I was just 21 weeks out yesterday. Carly and I have been hitting the gym hard and we have each been seeing a lot of gains since the start of the year!

My legs are finally starting to thicken up and my stomach is slowly but surely leaning out. My back and arms are showing quite a bit of definition, which is very rewarding. Training my core is my absolute least favorite thing to do, but that’s my weakest area so I have to just do it. No excuses at this point in the competition prep!

I’m going to start kicking up my cardio game here soon. I have been doing HIIT sprints on the treadmill about 3-4 times a week. Starting next week, I will probably do cardio 5-6 times a week. My plan is to do 10 minutes high intensity on the Stairmaster and then do my HIIT routine on the treadmill. This will really help me lean out my tricky middle section.

I’m still drinking a gallon of water a day. I am constantly eating, I swear. I have oats and egg whites at breakfast; a protein shake and rice cake for meal two; turkey, rice and veggies for lunch; almonds for a snack; banana and protein shake for post workout; and rice, veggies and turkey for dinner. If I’m hungry before bed I have some cottage cheese.

I’m going to be making some changes to my diet in the upcoming weeks so I will keep you all informed on what I’m doing!

That’s what’s been going on with me, but I want to know what you guys want to read! What kinds of workouts are you all interested in? Meal recipes or snack ideas? Comment below and let me know! :)
